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Psi Principles for Health

Psi Principles for Health
Gayle Kimball, Ph.D. gkimball@csuchico.edu

The research of physicists, biologists, engineers and other psi researchers emphasizes the power of thought, as demonstrated in William Tiller’s work with four meditators who imprint a device later able to increase or decrease the PH of water. In this workshop we apply the psi principles to daily life to develop intuition and intention–the key to using the power of the mind.
(Read Dean Radin’s The Conscious Universe for studies about intention and other psi research and Ervin Laszlo’s Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything for quantum physics’ interconnected information universe. See Gayle Kimball, Essential Energy Tools for an overview of psi research and how to apply it to daily life. Also, Lynn Taggart’s The Field and the Intention Experiment, download the free 80-page Noetic Institute study guide for What The Bleep Do We Know? http://whatthebleep.com/download/.)
Psi research periodicals:
ISSEEM print journals issseem2@comcast.net http://www.issseem.org
elistmgr@noetic.org newsletter and print journals
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EarthHaven/ Gayle’s free newsletter of book reports, conference reports including Science and Consciousness, etc.

Common Daily Challenges
1. Health
Negative External influences on our immune system and health:
Refined food, lack of sleep and exercise, negative TV and other media, toxins, toxic people, stress of trying to do too much, too fast. Leads to fatigue lack of energy, pain, and overweight.
Internal influences on our health:
Repressed emotions (Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion, explains that cell receptors are the interface of emotion and body); lack of organization, focus, motivation; self-sabotage and negative thought patterns; feeling overwhelmed, over responsibility; adrenal stress response; genetic influences (biologist Bruce Lipton teaches genes can be changed); personality type (i.e., highly sensitive, introvert or extrovert).
See http://www.ssproduce.net to assess your Enneagram, Chinese 5 element, and Ayurvedic dosha types. Also, Enneagram http://www.9types.com. See http://www.geocities.com/lifeexplore for explanation of the Enneagram and Myers Briggs. The Keirsey and Bates version http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/Jtypes2.asp). More info in “Know Yourself” section in Energy Tools book.
2. Relationships
Significant other, Children, Family of origin

3. Work and Finances
Work relationships, Frustrations about the nature of the work, Spending in the red, Worry about income

4. Feeling Unfocused and overwhelmed by too much to do.

5. Angst about world events, environmental destruction. Not feeling connected to the earth, lack of purpose, need for spiritual renewal and joy.

Balance the energy field (meridians, chakra, aura, electromagnetic field) with +movement: crossovers, tapping, and reflexology. Drink lots of pure water. Tone with ah, aum, overtone with vowels. Breathe from the diaphragm in through the nose, release a long exhalation through the mouth. Daily nature walk.
+Visualizations to ground, center, energize, define, achieve goals, and get answers, develop intuition, as explained in Essential Energy Tools book.

Awareness of our emotional patterns: Carl Jung taught the aim of life is to become whole, to bridge the conscious and unconscious minds, through analyzing dreams and patterns in our relationships. Many of the two-thirds of Americans who are overweight have the conscious intention to lose weight, for example, but the unconscious intention is to add protective padding and so on. Become aware of the usefulness of dreams and identifying the voices of sub- personalities (including inner critic, inner child, shadow, animus or anima.) To change the “signs” we carry around instructing people how to interact with us, use an affirmation set in the present with gratitude. Be clear that we repeat patterns until they’re consciously healed. Be aware of the self-sabotage voices and use acupressure tapping to clear them and other blocks to emotional and physical health (emofree.com and Healing section in Energy Tools book.)

Get intuitive solutions: schedule in time daily to meditate, take walks, get enough sleep, and keep a dream journal. Quantum physics discoveries of quantum non-locality, entanglement, and universal unity and consciousness, can be applied to access information from the quantum field. Every external sense has a corresponding inner sense: clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. +We’ll learn a visualization template on which to focus intuitive perceptions and practice mini-intuitive readings in triads. Give self-muscle testing a try.

Heal with intention and visualization: imprint the opposite (e.g., if an area feels too hot, send in coolness; blocked—remove, empty—fill); use color and breath. Be a “hollow bone” for chi, prana, or subtle energy–as Einstein named it. Keep your personal energy out of the healee’s space, protect your field with a bubble of light, and breathe in chi to channel to the healee. Stay amused and loving, so the healee can rise up to match your positive tone. Heal the planetary grid, broom mediation. (email me if we don’t get to this) Alternative health sites:
http://www.ssproduce.net has links to alternative health info
http://www.ijhc.org/ Dr. Dan Benor’s International Journal of Healing and Caring
James Balsch and Phyllis Balsch. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Includes vitamins, herbs, and other natural remedies.

Stress reduction with visualizations to center, ground, define boundaries, energize and achieve goals. +Trace the triple warmer meridian backward and hold the point between your eyebrows with right hand for three minutes. HeartMath freeze-frame. TAT. Safe place. Acupressure tapping. Eat slowly and allow time between tasks. Prioritize your to-do list; for items low on the list, delegate, pay or trade others to do, say no, and change expectations about “shoulds.” Break up big tasks into small pieces and reward yourself after completion with a break, such as a short walk or stretching or dancing. Research Ginseng and Don Quai and other adrenal tonics. Imagine turning down the thermostat on your adrenals, change expectations, and simplify your life.
Daily Check List for Easy Health Action

1. Start the day with kinesiology and acupressure tapping to balance the body. When toweling off after a shower, balance the meridians by rubbing down the backside of limbs and back and outer sides of limbs, up the inside and front of limbs. Rub the “alarm points” to further balance the meridians.
2. Use reflexology on your hands and feet (rub your hand points in meetings). The web in-between the fingers and toes corresponds to the lymphatic system and the spine is located along the side of the thumb down to around mid point of the wrist and the other organs follow from top of fingers down. Feet are similar. Also, acupuncture.
3. You can do reflexology while sitting on the toilet; should eliminate about three times a day. Use psyllium seed every once in a while to really clear intestines which some believe are the seat of health. Chinese Traditional Medicine suggests rubbing the belly every day, up your right to left in concentric circles, pushing in on inhalations.
4. Apply essential oils instead of cologne. Some useful blends by Young Living include Longevity, Brainpower, Peace and Calming, Grounding, Joy and Valor. (I distribute them at my cost.) Essential Oils Pocket Reference Guide is organized by health problem, very useful (800 336-6308) Also try flower essences and homeopathy; since they’re vibrational, they have no adverse side effects.
5. Wear gemstones and crystals, for example a pink quartz crystal or emerald to enhance 4th chakra love. Wear a magnet bracelet on your computer mouse wrist.
6. Avoid toxins and radiation from electric blankets, clocks, cordless phones, TV, microwaves, etc—especially by your bed. Avoid toxins in mercury fillings, aluminum cookware, lead, and water.
7. Wear natural fiber clothes and wear uplifting colors rather than black and gray.
8. Drink lots of pure water. Write the quality you want to enhance and put on a sticker on your water container and glass. The Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto’s photographs of water crystals show differences when imprinted by words, sound, or intention. For photos see his website. Dr. Batmanghelidj, You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty, maintains that dehydration causes many illnesses.
9. For skin care, dry brush your body before bathing, get oil massages and facials, sweat, drink lots of water, and avoid toxic chemicals and mineral oil in skin care products. Bathe in Epsom salts, baking soda, herbs, and essential oils such as lavender and geranium, depending on what your skin needs. Eat avocado, blueberries, olive oil, and other fruits and vegetables.
10. Exercise daily outside. Use your lunch break to walk so you’ll get some sunshine for vitamin D and get endorphins activated. Use full-spectrum light bulbs.
11. Breathe slow deep breaths from your diaphragm. Add color, imagining breathing in the color you respond to now. Blow out stress through the mouth. Breathe 1-6, hold 1-6, exhale 1-6, hold 1-6—or hold these steps longer.
12. Think about what you love and are grateful for during the day. Studies show these emotions are helpful for healthy DNA replication and attracting healthy ligands to cell receptors to keep us well. Know that challenges and difficulties are teachers that we attract into our lives to grow, rather than bad luck.
13. Set your intention; visualize how you want your day to progress. Be amused.
14. Take time to appreciate beauty around you: the clouds, the stars, flowers, and a great smile. Really look at nature as you move about your day.
15. Have fun and laugh. Collect cartoons, jokes, and funny videos and view them frequently. If you start to worry, ask will matter a month from now? Remind yourself the past is water under the bridge, all you can do is learn from it and remind yourself we learn by making mistakes.
16. Studies show healthy people have a support group of caring friends and/or family. (People who write to my Lotus Guide advice column frequently link depression to not feeling supported.)
17. Set aside regular quiet time to listen to your inner guidance. Use your commute time to relax to soothing music to unwind your busy thoughts and slow down. Allow time for regular sleep according to what your body requires to rebuild.
18. Eat healing foods. In a nutshell, avoid white, processed, and deep-fried foods. Start the day with a smoothie with raw ingredients. Email gkimball@csuchico.edu for my recipe. Use olive oil and avoid other fats (especially deep fried and margarine), sugars, salt, white flour and white rice and other processed foods. Season foods with garlic, onions, ginger, and turmeric.
Aging is linked with bad free radical byproducts of oxidation, glycation that alters proteins (sugars kind of caramelize in the body), and chronic inflammation linked to many diseases.
a. *Antioxidant foods to fight free radicals include: blueberries, cranberries (also prevent cavities) sesame seeds, green tea, red grapes, uma plums, olive oil, tomatoes, broccoli (fights cancer tumors along with shitake and rishi mushrooms, chlorophyll, turmeric and sea vegetables; avoid sugar).
b. *Blood sugar regulation: fiber foods, cinnamon, fenugreek seeds, green tea, and chromium.
c. *Heal glycation with carnosine.
d. *Lessen inflammation: Fish: wild salmon, sablefish, mackerel, herring, sardines. Vegetables: onions, garlic, chives, leeks, greens (spinach, chard, collards, broccoli, kale), tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, beans, nuts, and seeds. Fruit: berries (especially blueberries, raspberries and Hawthorne). Spices: ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, clove. Herbs: rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, cilantro, fennel, mint, dill, tarragon, and turmeric.
http://www.imagkenews.com/vitalchoiceseafood/e_article) http://www.ultraprevention.com/tools/top_ten_to_cool_the heat_of_inflammation.htm
e. *Supplements: Andrew Weil, MD, emphasizes taking fish oils and flax seed for the omega 3 and avoiding omega 6 in hydrogenated oils such as margarine. (See drweil.com and Healthy Aging)
John Upledger, DO, recommends one supplement in his book Cell(f) Talk—COQ10. (Mind boggling explanation of cell physiology and how to talk to them.)
Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D., emphasized the importance of magnesium applied on the skin, which he sells, as explained in his book Life Beyond 100 and on normshealy.net.
See past issues of EarthHaven free newsletter at yahoogroups.com for my updates on what I’m learning about spiritual and physical health.

Other Resources
GK Books: Essential Energy Tools book and 3 videos. An “energy tools” package: a book, three videos, meditation CD, and “Kids’ Mind Power” CD.
Ask Dr. Gayle (booklet compilation of magazine advice columns)
21st Century Families: Blueprints for Family-Friendly Workplaces, Schools
and Governments.
How to Create Your Ideal Workplace
The Teen Trip: The Complete Resource Guide 50/50
50/50 Marriage
ed. Everything You Need to Know to Succeed After College
How to Survive Your Parents’ Divorce
ed. Women’s Culture ed.
Women’s Culture Revisited (Scarecrow Press, 2005)

Book in progress about youth views internationally. Know of youth and/or teachers who would like to be in the book? I’ll email the 6 questions. Thanks!

Please email me with your comments, additions, and questions. I’ll reply : . )
http://www.gaylekimball.info gkimball@csuchico.edu

IONS: http://www.shiftinaction.com offers online interviews to download, web library of other 500 audios and videos, teleseminars via weekly telephone, quarterly CDs, Commune Room for chatting, articles from Shift magazine, search, events calendar, and a yearly book. $10 a month.

Basic membership $55, $35 income-sensitive. Quarterly issues of Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness for all members.
877-769-4667. IONS, 101 San Antonio Rd, Petaluma, CA 94952

Other Resources

The research of physicists, biologists, engineers and other psi researchers emphasizes the power of thought. Intuition and intention are the key to using the power of the mind.
Read Dean Radin’s The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds for studies about intention and other psi research and Ervin Laszlo’s Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything for quantum physics’ interconnected information universe. See Gayle Kimball, Essential Energy Tools for an overview of psi research and how to apply it to daily life (CDs and DVDs and book). Also, Lynne Taggart’s The Field and the Intention Experiment and www/theintentionexperiment.com and livingthefield.com and wddty.co.tak (What Doctors Don’t Tell You), and download the free 80-page Noetic Institute study guide for What The Bleep Do We Know? http://whatthebleep.com/download/

Psi research periodicals:
The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology http://www.energypsych.org
Emotional Freedom Technique http://www.emofree.com
Tapas Acupressure Technique http://www.TATLife.com
Lotus Guide Magazine and Calendar http://www.lotusguide.com
Institute of Noetic Sciences http://www.noetic.org
IONS: http://www.shiftinaction.com offers online interviews to download, web library of other 500 audios and videos, teleseminars via weekly telephone, quarterly CDs, Commune Room for chatting, articles from Shift magazine, search, events calendar, and a yearly book. $10 a month.
The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine http://www.issseem.org
DVD and books What the Bleep Do We Know? http://www.whatthebleep.com/index2.shtml
drweil.com Andrew Weil, MD
Berkeley Psychic Institute Publishing http://www.dejavupublishing.com
Institute of Heart Math http://www.heartmath.org/
ISSEEM print journals issseem2@comcast.net http://www.issseem.org
elistmgr@noetic.org newsletter and print journals
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EarthHaven/ Gayle’s free newsletter of book reports, conference reports including Science and Consciousness, etc.

Green info: for green investing http://www.ethicalmarkets.com and socialfunds.org. Gross National Happiness index for quality of life.
Van Jones, Green Job Corporation in Oakland, “Sometimes you have to break the rules.”

Meditations: Count your in and out breaths to 10 and start over. If a though comes up, start over. Just witness thoughts, aiming for stillness. (Elliot Dacher)
Breathe slowly and deeply in your heart, activate appreciation or care, send it to yourself and others, refocusing on the heart. (HeartMath’s Heart Lock-In)

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